All the Sun For You

A mom, two boys, a husband, and a whole lot of adventure!

There Will be Spreadsheets!


I gained 18 pounds when I was pregnant with Matthew. He came out weighing 8.6 pounds – almost half of that weight gain.

I gained 35 pounds with Bryson’s pregnancy.

35 pounds.

Almost double what I gained with Matthew. He came out almost 9.5 pounds – a far cry from half of my weight gain. Yes, I started out 25 pounds less than when I got pregnant with Matthew, but that doesn’t justify that gain. I did nothing different, I ate the same way – but I gained twice as much weight.

Go figure!

I’m not down about it – I’m not even frustrated.  Most of the weight fell off within the first two weeks of having Bryson, but I’m left with 8 pesky pounds that want to stick around.  When Bryson was 4 weeks old, I only had 6 pounds left to lose, but the trips to DQ and our newfound love of Magnum ice cream bars brought 2 pounds back.  I don’t mind those two pounds – because I love the ice cream that put them there – but it’s time to get serious and get back in shape.

Here I am 11 days after Bryson was born – with 8 pounds still to go:

11 days post partum - and 8 pounds to go

11 days postpartum – and 8 pounds to go

Here I am today, still 8 pounds to go, but I think I look a bit better.  HA!  (In all fairness, those are two different bathrooms so maybe that’s why I look better today than I did then!  Come to think of it though, I’m sure it’s because my uterus wasn’t fully shrunk back to normal in the first photo.  HA!)

36 days postpartum - and 8 pounds still to go!

36 days postpartum – and 8 pounds still to go!

So what’s my plan?

I have one (surprised?)!

B and I talked about me signing up for an expensive 10 week class (it’s the same class we met at over 7 years ago) that is known for making you shed pregnancy weight, but Bryson is so sporadic at night that neither of us is comfortable with me heading out each morning for a 5:30 AM class.  We had talked about dropping our Y membership, but we have now decided that I will try their classes for several weeks to see if that works for me, and to see how the schedule works.  The Y is WAY more flexible with class scheduling, so this is a much safer bet for me and will keep me more on track if I miss a planned class (I’ll just make it up later in the day).  They have free (included) childcare, so the boys will be dropped there on my way to class and I’m sure they’ll have a great time.  🙂

I have planned out 3 days a week of strength classes and 3 days a week of cardio classes.  I am going to stay off the treadmills for now – I need instructed classes to get my ass in shape.  There are several days that I could do a couple of classes back-to-back, which is what I like to do!  B will go some of the evenings with us, so that will be fun.  This is how we met, and working out together has always been something we enjoy doing – not to mention the camaraderie that we get from it!

So – that’s the plan.  I will do an official weigh-in, body mass calculations, body measurements, and maybe even a timed one mile run next Monday.

I start Tuesday (my 6-week postpartum checkup is Monday)!

There will be spreadsheets!



Author: Courtney

Hi, there, I’m Courtney. I never planned to stay home with my kids, but I got sucked into motherhood when my first baby came into our lives after years of infertility and multiple rounds of IVF. His brother followed closely behind, something we didn’t plan on after having such a rough road with achieving parenthood the first time around. My boys are IVF cycle twins, conceived on the same day but born two years and one day apart (they were both transferred on the same day in October, but with two years between them). My boys are the best of friends and my husband is a terrific husband, father, and most importantly… friend. He fully supported my desire to stay home (“I just wanted it to be your idea and not mine, I totally want you to stay home and raise our kids!”) and encourages me in everything I do. I am a lover of projects, spreadsheets, fitness, healthy cooking and eating, crafts, selling my stuff on FB (HA!), and the outdoors. If I’m active, I’m pretty darn happy!

12 thoughts on “There Will be Spreadsheets!

  1. I think you look fabulous in both photos….I didn’t even look that good before getting pregnant…with Raegan, LOL. I think it’s great you’re getting back into shape on your own terms and B will be joining you….Especially since you get something out of it together. There is NO way Babe would work out with me. We just have two different styles….I do have a plan for post baby this time especially with my GD diagnosis and our hopes for number 2. I need to be super careful to avoid a type II diagnosis before we get try for #3. You look great and I can’t imagine how hot of a mama you’ll be when you get back to where you want to be 🙂

  2. I love it!! I will totally be doing something like this 6 months from now 🙂

  3. I wish I had your motivation. I’m three pounds up from my normal weight, and 8 pounds up from where I was when I got pregnant (too low in my opinion). I don’t necessarily want to lose weight, but I want my flat stomach back. I am horrible about working out though, and this nursing thing…I think it helped my stomach shrink at first, but the extra food I’m eating (not always good choices) are keeping it where it’s at and not letting it go down anymore. JJ mentioned started going to the gym again himself, so if he does that, hopefully that will kick my butt into gear too. Good luck with the classes you chose! I think you look fantastic in the pictures, but I understand wanting to tone up again and lose those last few pounds.

  4. You look awesome and you are on top of your game plan….you go girl! I’m sure you’ll be looking svelte soon! But, you are already beautiful! 🙂

  5. I love me some spreadsheets. And ice cream. Conundrum, haha. I wish I liked to work out as much as you do but it sounds like you’ll have fun with it!

  6. You look great for having 8 pounds left to go. Seriously mama, you look terrific. I’m so proud of your motivation for getting back in shape and very jealous that you have a Y in town with childcare. We do have a gym, but no childcare which made taking Aiden to Bootcamp class challenging. I think finding classes back to back will really help you drop the weight quickly too and tone up. Best of luck and I’m sure you will do amazing!

  7. I hope to gain 35 pounds during this pregnancy! I’m pushing 30 and I still have 12 weeks (and probably 15 more pounds) to do. 😦

    It sounds like you have a great plan in place to achieve the results you’re looking for. Good luck!

  8. You look fabulous!! And your headspace sounds really healthy and solid. I think it’s a great plan, not only for you personally, but also for you guys as a family. I love that you and B met this way all those years ago and that now you can enjoy it again together. i have no doubt that you’ll be rocking some hardcore muscles in a month or so!

  9. I think you look awesome! Do what you want to do to get back in shape because it makes you feel strong and healthy, and screw the scale 🙂 that’s my philosophy.

  10. Firstly, you look fabulous!!! 🙂 I am so impressed by your motivation. I did NOTHING until a couple of months ago when I got a fitbit and even then I just started walking more, not working out. Thank goodness for breastfeeding taking me below my pre-preg weight quickly and without work, but since weaning I am up 15.. yes 15 lbs..only a few lbs off from how much I gained fully pregnant!! Ahhh! So anyway, I wish I had your motivation to get my butt in gear now. Good for you!!! 🙂 Good luck!

  11. You look great! Hard to believe you need to lose any weight, but I’ll take your word for it, and wish you lots of luck! 🙂

  12. Pingback: Time to Get Serious | All the Sun For You

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