All the Sun For You

A mom, two boys, a husband, and a whole lot of adventure!

The Mom Stays in the Picture


Over at Pail, a news item was shared about moms not being in photos with their kids.

Let’s be clear – I do not have that problem!

Call me narcissistic or whatever, but I LOVE having my picture taken with Matthew and B.  Being a SAHM, most of our “funnest” moments* happen during the day when B is at work, hence, no one is here to capture those moments on “film” (or on memory cards – HA!).  I’ve mastered the art of self-photos and I take them daily.  Most times, I’m unshowered, without make-up, in jeans and a t-shirt, and wearing a hat.  I would call this, “my uniform.”  Most pictures of Matthew and me together have me in “my uniform” and I wouldn’t have it any other way – because that is just how it is most mornings.

Showers are a luxury.  Perfectly quaffed hair is a gift!  Make-up beyond eyeliner and mascara is a novelty that usually signifies to B that he’s about to get lucky (if he so desires – HA!).  But smiles and laughter with my family?  Those are the norm around here and I insist on capturing as many of them as I possibly can!

Here are a few of my favorites.  You’ve seen many of them before (because the narcissist in me posts them regularly**), but here they are in one spot.  There are a few nuggets of tiny baby Matthew, which occurred before I was blogging!

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* I hope you all know that I know that “funnest” and “funner” are not real words, but I like them!

** I actually post these photos on a regular basis because this blog is for Matthew, and I want him to see these photos of us together since I’ve failed at creating a baby book for him so far.  Ugh!

Author: Courtney

Hi, there, I’m Courtney. I never planned to stay home with my kids, but I got sucked into motherhood when my first baby came into our lives after years of infertility and multiple rounds of IVF. His brother followed closely behind, something we didn’t plan on after having such a rough road with achieving parenthood the first time around. My boys are IVF cycle twins, conceived on the same day but born two years and one day apart (they were both transferred on the same day in October, but with two years between them). My boys are the best of friends and my husband is a terrific husband, father, and most importantly… friend. He fully supported my desire to stay home (“I just wanted it to be your idea and not mine, I totally want you to stay home and raise our kids!”) and encourages me in everything I do. I am a lover of projects, spreadsheets, fitness, healthy cooking and eating, crafts, selling my stuff on FB (HA!), and the outdoors. If I’m active, I’m pretty darn happy!

24 thoughts on “The Mom Stays in the Picture

  1. Awwww! You ARE good at capturing moments with you and Matthew together! That’s so awesome. You have a natural photogenic thing going on, lucky you! And of course, Matthew is just adorable as always. 🙂 I will be working on handing my hubs the camera more often so we have more pictures of me with the kids in the future.

    • Oh you’re too kind! These photos were carefully selected. 😉 I am not terribly photogenic!

      I just loved your photos today! I’ve gone back twice to look at them!

  2. SO many great moments have been captured in these photos. This is exactly what I try to do!!! I am a master at the self-portrait, both with my phone and my DSLR!

  3. These pictures are great! You are a pro…the lens on my DSLR is so long I’m afraid I can’t get it far enough away from me…I became an awesome self portraiter when my hubs and I were on our honeymoon…he refused to ask anyone to take pictures of us so I just got really good at it…point and shoots are so much easier to do that with….I hate having to carry 2 cameras with me at all times… I love the slide show…WP is calling my name….I need to get on that switcharoo thingy….(take note of my made up words lol)

  4. I love your honesty!!

  5. OMG! I remember most of these pics… but not the ones with TEENY M! So beautiful!

  6. Great collection of photos! I have tons of me and my baby girl, but only a few of the two of us. Although, I’m starting to take more of the two of us.

  7. Great pics: I love the one of your son swaddled looking at your husband, while he looked back at him in turn. It made me smile!

    • Thanks! That is my all-time favorite of the two of them. The actual moment was as precious as the photo. PS – that is not our bedroom. That is not our style. HA! We were in a hotel. 😉

  8. OMG, teeny Matthew was just as gorgeous as toddler Matthew! Swoon!

  9. Courtney, I love the fact that you’ve managed to capture so many moments of you together! We tend to forget … to take pictures OF our kids rather than WITH our kids. And you’re right; the proof of “being there together” is so important. Thanks for the reminder!

    (And glad you stopped by to comment on my Freecycle post! 🙂

  10. Pingback: weekly summary, vol. 19 – PAIL Bloggers

  11. Good for you for capturing all of these beautiful moments on camera!!! I love them all! 🙂

  12. Pingback: best of PAIL – 2012 – winners! – PAIL Bloggers

  13. Pingback: A Major Milestone Of Sorts « All the Sun For You

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